Monday, January 16, 2017

In a Cellular Nutshell: The important structures of DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)

This video will break down and teach you the basic yet complex structure of DNA. Take a look at this video it is very knowledgeable and accurate on the simple make up of the molecule we know to be DNA! 

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Eye On My Mind: What Eye feel for BLACK HI-STORY

The Chosen Ones

Graphic Art By: Jasmine Jones aka Nefer Ma'at
Creative Writing: The Chosen Ones

If you were to ask me my honest opinion about "Black History", I would tell you that yes it is important for the BLACK community to know and truthfully innerstand their history, just as everyone else should know their individual ethic history as well. At the end of the day black history is all history and vice versa, all history is black history. The importance of a peoples history does not mean this ethic group of people are more important than the others. I believe that we are all one people and that coming together under differences in ethic origin is what makes us great, each people and person that inhabit this earth have the ability to seek peace with history and build new horizons upon such findings in history. Black history to me  is very important because it allows me to have a sense of where I come from as a human being on this planet but does not prohibit me from learning about who I am spiritually, being that the physical part of me is just a portion, yet a mere representation of who "I AM" 

Article By: Nefer Ma'at
The Chosen Ones 

Monday, January 2, 2017

I-R-I-S: Inside the Iris (Eye) and what are Melanocytes

The Chosen Ones

Melanin Theory: "Eye Pigment" 

Pigment within the Iris is collectively responsible for a persons eye color. Where the pigment is more present within the Iris the eye will be darker. Now you may ask why is that? The Iris has two different layers structurally, the inner most layer is called the Iris pigment, this layer is also called epithelium (IPE) and consist of a compact array of opaque cells. The second layer is the outermost layer known as the (Iris Stroma), this layer contains more loosely arranged cells known as melanocytes that synthesis the pigment. Melanocyte is a mature melanin forming cell, this means that it is mature in its natural state and forms melanin in its state of existence. 

Article By: Nefer Maat (Jasmine Jones)